Home Food Best Biryani in Hubli: Top Places and Hotels for Biryani Lovers

Best Biryani in Hubli: Top Places and Hotels for Biryani Lovers

Best Biryani in Hubli

It’s frustrating when you order what you hope will be the best Biryani in Hubli, only to be let down by bad taste or smelly meat. I’ve experienced this disappointment more times than I can count!

What’s worse is when the restaurant says, “You’re the first to complain, sir!”

I take food seriously, and I believe Biryani should be perfect, with no compromise!

If you love Biryani like I do and want to find the best biryani in Hubli, you’re in the right place.

As a passionate cook, I know that Biryani is more than just a dish—it’s an art. There’s a perfect taste for every style: Hyderabadi, Andhra, donne, ambur, or Hubli savji biryani.

After many disappointments, I’m on a mission to find the best Biryani in Hubli. This list will feature only the restaurants that truly deliver on flavor and quality, and I’m starting with chicken biryani—the basic test of any good Biryani place!

Why should you trust our recommendations?

Well, I’ve been cooking since I was in the 2nd grade, and I’ve always had a talent for identifying flavors and scents—my nose knows!

My love for cooking led me to start my own Biryani restaurant in Hubli, Dum Square, which went on to win India’s most prominent food and hospitality award in 2019, presented by the celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor.

Dum Square wins India’s most prominent food and hospitality award, Sanjeev Kapoor
Vikas Solanki receiving India’s most prominent food & hospitality award from Sanjeev Kapoor

Unfortunately, Dum Square had to close its doors due to the impact of Covid-19, but my passion for Biryani remains as strong as ever.

I am going to try biryani from most of the non vegetarian restaurants in Hubli and rate them based on quality, flavor, freshness, and value for money. I know there are many people like me who are always on the hunt for that perfect biryani.

I want to dedicate this post to all biryani lovers and hope it helps you in your quest to find the best Biryani in Hubli!

Mama’s Bucket Biryani, Sirur Park

Hubli.Net Rating

Restaurant Google Page

Biryani First Look

Once I got home, I eagerly plated the Chicken Biryani, expecting a feast for the senses. At first glance, it looked decent. The type of biryani you get here is “Dum Biryani”.

As I took my first bite, the masala hit hard—way too hard! I had asked them to add extra masala, but that shouldn’t have been a problem. A good Biryani should maintain a balanced blend of spices, regardless of the request. It’s like the “power-to-weight” ratio in bikes—if the bike is overpowered, you’ll lose control and crash. The same applies to Biryani.

Even if you ask for double the masala, it should enhance the flavor, not overwhelm the dish. Instead, this garam masala was overpowering, making it difficult to enjoy.

Mamas bucket biryani Hubli.net
Mama’s Bucket Biryani, Sirur Park

Chicken Marination

The real secret to a great Biryani is in how the meat is marinated, and sadly, Mama’s Bucket Biryani failed here too.

Chicken Marination
Flavourless, undercooked chicken

The chicken felt like it was thrown in at the last minute with little to no marination. It was undercooked, rubbery, and flavourless, which was a huge disappointment. Proper marination, even for just 2 hours, can work wonders, but clearly, that wasn’t the case here. This felt more like a rushed, commercialized version of Biryani rather than something made with love for the dish.


Now, let’s talk about the raita. Ideally, a good raita has thick, fresh curd, a mix of finely chopped onions, green chilies, coriander, and just the right amount of salt and spice.

image 4 Hubli.net
Biryani Raita at Mama’s Bucket Biryani

What I received was a watery, almost tasteless mixture that barely passed as curd, with a pinch of salt and a few coriander leaves. To make matters worse, the curd smelled off, indicating it wasn’t fresh. I didn’t even take a second spoonful.

Final Verdict

I won’t be giving Mama’s Bucket Biryani a second chance. It was a complete letdown for me—definitely not worth trying again.


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